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Friday, July 20, 2012


...I'm with the boy in Austin for the weekend! He has a conference, and I have some serious shopping to do. Kidding. Sort of.

I thought the least I could do was give you one more sneek of what's to come in the upcoming guest post. Miraculously, I didn't feel like a total dork yesterday while sauntering around the streets alone, taking photos of the breezy, overcast world around me in hopes of capturing a handful of acceptable photos to share with you. It was a wonderful experience, and it's on my list to do something like that again in the very near future.

I'm checking out of Starbucks for now! Toodoloo! (I can't believe I just said that).

Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Jess said...

Hey, I'm headed to Austin too! Hope you have a fun weekend! I plan to hit Barton Springs and a few happy hours while I'm there :)

Cathy said...

Have fun in Austin!! :)

Cathy Trails

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun. Enjoy yourself!!! Rhi xx

The Wildest of Dreams

Sarah Carlson said...

Beautiful building! I love being touristy! Can't wait for, what I am sure, will be a fab guest post.

Anna @ IHOD said...

Hope you have fun in Austin!! Enjoy the shopping;)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Jess: Oh, how fun! I've never been to Barton Springs, but I keep hearing about it. I hope you had a great time!

Cathy: Thank you, sweet! :) It was a good time.

Rhi: Thank you! It doesn't take very much to amuse me, so it was a great time!

Sarah: Isn't it?? I pretty much drool every time I look at it. You know, it really WAS fun being touristy with that camera hanging around my neck while snapping photos constantly. I even caught a couple dancing together while they were being serenaded by the mariachi band. :) So much happiness!

Anna: Thank you! I had a great time. I got such good deals, so thank goodness I didn't have buyer's remorse. That's always the worst. Hope you had a great weekend!

melody said...

I just came back from an overnight layover in Austin, I wish I had more time to explore, I've been totally crushing on Texas these days! Been really enjoying your photography lately! :)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Melody: Aw, I wish you had more time also! We're only about an hour away, but we still haven't explored enough. Thank you so much! That means so much to me. :)

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