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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Since I've been working from home and seeing tons of awesome fashion from all over the world, I've found that I'm beginning to love things because I love them. Not because everyone else does. Fashion can be a little weird at times, but what's interesting if it isn't in the least bit different?

I love simplicity, pops of color, and....biiig glasses. Yes, I love the big sunglasses, but I'm talking about the eyeglasses...the ones that I put on and can still see clearly through when I roll my eyes down without ever having to shift my entire head. Some people have said they're the "nerdy" or "dorky" glasses...that's totally okay with me, because I admit that I'm a nerd myself.

I'm the girl who spent tons of time in the library, loves to go to Starbucks to work on papers and read Entrepreneur magazine for hours, and tries her best to catch her grammatical errors when writing anything, etc. That's totally not to say that I'm a math whiz, science genius, or philosophical genius, by any means! Oh, and of course I love the artistic things a tad bit more than studying, if you know what I mean.

Do you have any nerdy tendencies that you're fine to admit or would just rather keep to yourself? Do you love wearing buggy glasses, or maybe just prefer something a little less discrete?

As for me, I think I'll be hanging on to my big nerd glasses for a while. 


Julia said...

i love the illustration! im also a nerd when it comes to libraries, newspapers and i surely check everything twice to avoid grammatical errors, but sometimes even that does not help :)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Oh, Julia, you're just like me! Once, in college I designed posters for a fashion show featuring garments made of newspaper, bottles, or anything that could be recycled. I misspelled the word recycled, and the posters were everywhere!

Kyla said...

Love that illustration! I get happy when people say they love the big glasses, mostly since I wear them myself (and have been since I was little!) I actually have 2 pairs for my near blindness ;)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Thanks so much, Kyla! Aren't they just the best?? Wow, bravo for you for being such a stylish missy, even as a child! Oh no, the near blindness! :/ I'm getting to the point where I have to wear mine if I'd like to read anything at all...

Anonymous said...

I love your glasses! I want some myself now! Want to follow eachother? I just added you!

Follow back at

<3 Sarah :D

Unknown said...

I don't wear glasses but I do like the way they look. I want to wear fake ones but I feel like a loser. My nerdy tendency would be knowing about computers? haha Does that count?

Danie at Pasadya said...

Sarah: Thanks so much, dear! I appreciate it. :)

Daisy: Noooo, be happy you have wonderful vision! Ha my husband doesn't have to wear them either but got fitted anyway once. He told me, "Wow, I can see all the way over there--I feel like Superman!!" while pointing at the most minuscule spot in the room that I'd never be able to spot (even with my glasses on).

Man, I'm jealous! I have to WORK to understand computers...I know enough to get me by! You're lovingly accepted in the nerd community, sweet girl. :)

Mary said...

Those glasses are so so gorgeous!

Danie at Pasadya said...

Thank you, Mary! I love them!

Meredith said...

Love your glasses picture! Great job :)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Thanks, Mere! :) :) That means a ton, coming from a really good photographer!!

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