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Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hi guys! I'm behind on the times, once again. Hopefully you'll excuse me--I was galloping around with family in town again for the week (this time, the husband's family came to say hello). During that time, we giggled with a baby, bellowed with a toddler, swam late into the night like kids, held our ground on the swaying Congress Bridge at Bat Fest with the rest of the crowd singing to Blue October, and baked some pretty awful sugar cookies (that was my doing).

On top of it all, I got to spend quality college-caliber nights with this pretty mama of two, who also happens to be my sister-in-law:
This is Jessica, a talented nurse-turned-entrepreneur, who is especially gifted at acting, singing, and pretty much melting children's awestruck hearts.

When Jessica contacted me earlier this year to see if I would be interested in designing her brand, I was honored. There was no way I could've said no to this project. 

'I was thinking of naming it Fancyful Fairytale Parties…it's kind of a mouthful," Jessica laughed through the phone line as she was telling me about her business name. "I was hoping for something magical…maybe spelled a different way than the original spelling. Maybe we could have a beautiful swoop in the 'y'?"

Here's what we came up with:
Magical, indeed! You should have seen our Pinterest boards filled with pixie dust, little princesses in puffy dresses, beautifully aged turquoise doors, and fanciful tea parties. 

Jessica puts it perfectly as to what Fancyful is all about: 

"Facncyful specializes in stylish, high-quality, whimsical party experiences, including princess visits and portable vintage tea parties in the Little Rock [Arkansas] area. We delight in bringing you polished and professional performers to make your little lady's special day as magical as possible!"
Jessica and her budding business exemplify the creation of beautiful moments in a child's life. I love how Fancyful's mission nods at the following thought:

"I am fully convinced that we humans need beauty in order to live rich and fulfilling lives. People grow and flourish when they are able to respond to the beauty around them and create their own forms of beauty."

                                                                                                                -Emilie Barnes

As a designer, I'm humbled to be able to work with some of the hardest working entrepreneurs I can think of. It's not every day that you get to be part of something that a child is bound to look back on and be able to remember even when they become an adult. 

As a matter of fact, I remember a tea party that my sister had when we were tiny girls (she was turning 8 or 9, and I was a year and a half younger). Our group of girls were dressed in fluffy hats, poofy dresses, short heels, and fake pearls, and we were treated to a tea party on the second story of an old building in downtown Abilene. I was absolutely crazy about the party, as all the other little girls were. I can only imagine how much I would have clamored if a fairytale princess were to enter the scene!
Photo by Julia Patterson | Branding by Pasadya

I rest my case, as you can see my already previously beautiful sister-in-law transformed into a live snow queen. 

Now if only you could hear her sing!

Be sure to check out Fancyful's website and brand new Facebook page--give it a like if you love what you see! :) 

Quote on Beauty by Emilie Barnes
Snow Queen photo by Julia Patterson
Model & Business Owner: Jessica Selby
Branding: Pasadya
All other photography: Pasadya


Diana said...

gorgeous branding! Wish the company was in Austin :)

Unknown said...

Sweet, sweet Dani! You continue to out-do yourself. Not only are you an absolutely precious person, crazy talented artist, and winner of the "going-the-extra-mile-with-a-smile-on-your-face" award, you are also quite the writer. I never knew;) I'm so glad that you are my sister and we have our whole lives to know each other better;)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Aw, Diana, thank you!! I have a feeling your little one would adore Fancyful. :)

Jessica, thank you!! You're so sweet to write glowing reviews and always shower everyone around you with happiness! I'm a lucky sister, for sure.

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