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Monday, February 25, 2013


Hi guys! How's it going? Oh my, we're just about to get blown away on this end. I was thinking about fiddling around and taking fun shots with scarves and things whirling around in the wind, but the swaying (more like hurling around in the wind) flowers in the backyard were too pretty not to notice. 
Kinda makes for a nice round 2 of abstract photography. These are sort of dark also, but not as creepy as the first duo.

I remember the first time I ever tried to shoot motion. It was terribly difficult for me (especially since I couldn't figure out how to use the settings), and I was doing it for a photography class in college. I figured that because I love art, I would naturally be good at photography.

Turns out I wasn't so hot at it, and I didn't even pick up a camera again until two years later. This learning process is slooow, but somewhere along the way I figure I'll hone my skill. So many photographers are under appreciated! Those people have talent, let me tell you.


Coulda shoulda woulda said...

Funny enough, I think that the second pic would make a good watercolour subject. Nice proportion of red and composition. So it could be a watercolour of an abstract!

Danie at Pasadya said...

Naomi: You read my mind!! I totally forgot to mention that, I course. But you took care of that for me. :)

Coulda shoulda woulda said...

i have loads of tips for London so tell me which area and stuff you like and i will head you in the right direction!

you have to try pierre herme when you are here - they have unique combos - like strawberry and wasabi - sounds wrong but so good!

Danie at Pasadya said...

Oh my GOSH, Naomi, yes!! That's going to help us so much because we're just ridiculously lost and confused about where to go already. Thank you, thank you!

Michaela said...

OH! I like these a lot :) Agreed- would make a great watercolor!

Kyla said...

These are gorgeous! I agree in that photographers are under-appreciated - photography can be so challenging!

Danie at Pasadya said...

Thanks Michaela! I had fun prowling in the grass getting the shots. :)

Thanks Kyla! Yeah, I have some close friends who are photographers, and it has its moments! I never would have expected it to be hard before I actually tried it.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

These are so pretty! You have an eye :)

Danie at Pasadya said...

Jaime, thanks! :)

pandaa said...

Thanks for tthis

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